2012 UNICEF Executive Board Elections

This Sunday, UNICEF will be hosting elections for the 2012 UNICEF Executive Board at 12pm in ICC 209A. The positions to be elected are President, Vice President, and Treasurer. If you would like to run for one of these positions, please email the following information to smo38@georgetown.edu by Saturday at 5pm:
- Name, School, Year
- How you have been involved with UNICEF-Georgetown
- Why you would like to run for the President/VP/Treasurer
- What new ideas you would like to bring to UNICEF-Georgetown in 2012

On Sunday, we will meet briefly so that the candidates may introduce themselves. Voting will be online and a link to the ballot will be made available following the meeting.

Requirements for running:
- You must be a member of UNICEF-Georgetown
- You must be present for both the spring and fall semesters of 2012

TeachUNICEF Visit on Nov. 30

It has been yet another educational semester for the TeachUNICEF Committee, for both the children we taught and for the members as they prepared the lessons and learned about the joys and challenges of working with groups of young students. Our visit on Nov. 30 to the Perry School wrapped up the Committee's activities for fall 2011. The members spoke with the children about malaria and community services that can help a child stay healthy and live to adulthood. Below are their reflections.

Jordan: Overall, I feel that the visit could have gone better. Even though we had a small group of five kids, they were quite a handful. Charlotte and I did our best to teach the lesson clearly and keep them involved; however, the kids were quite rowdy and had trouble paying attention. The teacher in the room with us had to constantly interrupt the lesson to tell the kids to settle down. I think part of the problem was that the lesson might have been a little too difficult for the students to understand. I think that if we had a group that was better behaved, they would have grasped more of the lesson.

Charlotte: This week I had the opportunity to travel to the Perry School and teach a group of young children about the global effects of malaria. This was truly an empowering experience, as the children had never heard of malaria before our visit, but by the time we left they were able to grasp the broader picture of how malaria affects the lives of millions around the world. After we talked about the roles of hospitals and health care in different communities, the children watched an educational video and then drew pictures to represent what they had learned. It was amazing how these children could appreciate the devastating effects of a disease most prevalent half a world away to them. I left feeling like I had profoundly enhanced their lives - and minds!
This coming week, UNICEF-Georgetown will be selling UNICEF holiday cards in Leavey! Not only are the cards perfect for the holiday season, but they simultaneously bring hope, health, and happiness to children around the world :) Hope to see you there!

What: UNICEF-Georgetown holiday card sale!
When: Monday, December 5th and Wednesday, December 7th from 11-4
Where: Leavey
Why: What better way to send out your holiday greetings than with a beautiful card that benefits children across the globe!

TeachUNICEF Visit on Nov. 7th

The TeachUNICEF Committee made its second visit to the Perry School this semester, again covering the topic of child survival, but this time going a bit further and discussing specific health issues and how they can be prevented. Here is a reflection from one of the members who went.

Daria: Working with the kids this time was especially interesting and fun because they all had such high energy. Mrs. MJ, who let us set up before bringing in the kids, graciously greeted us as we entered the school. We spoke to the children about under-nutrition and the importance of safe drinking water. Harlin Lawal and I started by having the kids draw their favorite foods on a piece of paper and then we explained to them that many children around the world do not even have a favorite food because they do not have access to proper nutrition. We had created two visual aids to help with our presentation. The posters showed many pictures of women and children, specifically in Africa, who were struggling trying to find good nutrition and safe drinking water. We had the kids identify and talk about each picture, which they did very energetically. The group of kids we worked with was very engaging and seemed to grasp the concepts very well. In fact, many times, they would guess the responses to our lead-in questions well before we had presented them with the information. It was encouraging and uplifting to see them responding so well to the material. I was very happy with their response to our presentation on two of UNICEF’s major goals: combatting under-nutrition and providing safe drinking water.

Conference Featured in the The Hoya!

The Hoya recently featured an article about our International Development Conference. Follow this link to see what they thought: http://www.thehoya.com/news/unicef-leader-stresses-activism-1.2687843
To end an eventful, inspirational, and intellectually-stimulating evening, UNICEF-Georgetown International Development Conference culminated in dinner with field experts, academics, and students, including keynote speaker Cynthia McCaffrey, UNICEF Chief of Staff!

A trademark event of UNICEF-Georgetown, the 9th UNICEF-Georgetown International Development Conference served to provide a valuable platform for Georgetown students to interact with accomplished representatives of prominent organizations in the greater Washington, DC area through thought-provoking and intimate discussions on various international development topics. In line with a United Nation Millennium Development Goal, the conference theme of universal education emphasized the significance of education for one and all to empower minds and inspire ambitions that culminate in the betterment of the global community. Participants attended workshops that explored issues related to international health, international business, governance, and environmental sustainability, as well as engaged in informal dinner conversations with field experts. In addition to the captivating workshop sessions conducted by representatives from the World Bank, IAEA, Global Health Council, FINCA and Brookings Institution among several others, Cynthia McCaffrey, UNICEF Chief of Staff, delivered an inspirational speech as keynote speaker to round up yet another successful UNICEF-Georgetown conference.

International Development Conference

Registration online is required: http://www.tinyurl.com/UGIDC2011

Preference for workshops/dinner is on a first-come, first-served basis. Open to Georgetown students only.

UNICEF-Georgetown will be holding its 9th Annual International Development Conferenceon Friday, November 4th, 2011. The conference has enabled Georgetown students to interact with representatives of prominent organizations in the greater Washington, DC area through thought-provoking discussions on various international development topics. This year’s theme is universal education, one of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, in recognition of the importance of education for one and all to empower minds and inspire ambitions that culminate in the development of future generations.

We will be offering two workshop sessions (4:00-5:15pm, 5:30-6:45pm) in White-Gravenor classrooms followed by a dinner in the Copley Formal Lounge (7:00pm). Workshop sessions provide speakers with the opportunity to present students with their perspectives on current international development topics while the dinner allows for a more intimate setting in which to further discuss such topics. We are honored to have Cynthia McCaffrey, Chief of Staff, UNICEF as our keynote speaker this year. We will also be hosting speakers from the World Bank, the U.S. Department of State, FINCA, IAEA and the International Center for Religion and Diplomacy, among others.

Dress is business casual.

We hope to see you there!

TeachUNICEF Visit on October 21

On Friday, Oct. 21, we made our first TeachUNICEF visit to the Peace Room at the Perry School, focusing on the topic of child survival, and worked with two groups – the first being early elementary, and the second being later elementary and early middle school. This is our third semester working with the Perry School. Below are reflections from some of the members who made the visit:

Ifeatu: I really enjoyed my first time teaching at the Perry School with TeachUNICEF last Friday. At times it was really difficult to gauge the children's interest, but I think the interactive activities where each child partnered with a TeachUNICEF member helped in that regard. I think the children really enjoyed receiving one-on-one interaction and it allowed us to learn about each individual child a lot better. I think for future lessons we should incorporate a lot more interactive activities or small groups and to include more colorful visuals to help the children learn better and to really get a sense of the type of challenges faced everyday by children of the same age around the world in terms of survival, education, and access to resources.

Elle: The first TeachUNICEF that I had was far from what I expected. There was more direct interaction between us and the children, which to me seemed far more engaging and worthwhile, yet at the same time raised new concerns, such as being aware of the sensitivity of certain topics and keeping their attention. Albeit a little anticlimactic, it was a rewarding experience, and I think it was a great start for the year!

Lotus: I am immensely proud of this team! We had a plan going into the Peace Room, but had to change things up a bit once we started teaching. We found the topic to be more sensitive than expected as we taught it, but I commend the team for being able to mold the lesson based on how the students were responding. The children loved interacting with us and answering questions and working with the members on a handout. They were all eager to contribute to the lesson, which was amazing. The members were also able to stay focused and unfazed despite every unexpected variable that appeared before them. Excellent job!

"Believe in Zero" Advocacy Campaign

The Advocacy Committee engages Georgetown to join the national “Believe in Zero” photo campaign by inviting our very own students to show support and help spread UNICEF’s message. The one-week campaign allows students to learn about what UNICEF does to achieve “Zero” and become part of the movement to raise awareness. The photos are then showcased in our popular student-run coffee shop, Midnight MUG, to make a greater impact on campus, as well as our different web platforms and the UNICEF USA website

Famine in the Horn Fundraiser

The famine in the Horn of Africa has already claimed the lives of 29,000 children under the age of five and is reported to threaten the lives of 12.4 million people in Somalia, Kenya, Djibouti and Ethiopia. Somali refugees are flooding across the Kenyan border by the thousands. Dadaab, the world’s largest refugee camp, was built for 90,000 people but now houses over 400,000 making it Kenya’s fourth largest city by population size.

Join the African Society of Georgetown and UNICEF-Georgetown for a dinner, raffle, and education about the on-going famine on Friday, September 30 at 7:30pm. Tickets are only $10 and will be sold in Leavey Center until the day of the dinner. Or buy your ticket online at: http://gufaminefundraiser.eventbrite.com

All proceeds will go to UNICEF.

If you have any questions or are interested in becoming more involved, please email Alexa at amv35@georgetown.edu

3rd General Body Meeting

UNICEF-Georgetown will be holding its third meeting of this semester on Wednesday night at 9pm in ICC 206B. We hope to see you there!

2nd General Body Meeting

UNICEF-Georgetown will be holding its second meeting of the semester this upcoming Tuesday night at 9pm in WGR 206, during which the documentary "To Educate a Girl" will be shown. Framed by the United Nations global initiative to provide equal access to education for girls by 2015, the film takes a ground-up and visually stunning view of what it takes to educate a girl through the eyes of girls out of school, starting school or fighting against the odds to stay in school.

1st General Body Meeting

UNICEF-Georgetown will be holding its first General Body Meeting of the year this coming Tuesday, Sept. 13th at 9pm in ICC 103. We will be discussing our agenda for the fall semester, as well as give a brief introduction to UNICEF's work and all the different committees you can get involved with here on campus.

Letter Campaign

The UNICEF-Georgetown Advocacy Committee is doing an electronic letter campaign to support the passing of UNICEF's budget and will be tabling in Red Square on Wednesday and Thursday. Please endorse the letter online individually by following the link:

International Mine Awareness Day Reception

We partnered with the HALO Trust last Monday, April 4th, to host a reception and photo exhibit for International Mine Awareness Day. The speakers and photos helped highlight the impact that landmine removal can have on communities rebuilding after violent conflict. We would like to thank everyone who attended, as well as the HALO Trust and the African Studies Program for helping to make this event possible! Below are several photos from the event.

TeachUNICEF Visit on April 1st

Some TeachUNICEF committee members visited the Peace Room at the Perry School on Friday, April 1st and continued the unit on disability awareness. This time the members had an older group of children.

Sita: We arrived at the Perry School a bit early, and did some more preparation with our lesson plan for the day. Our plan was to teach the kids about Japan and the tsunami, the different types of disabilities and the Ethiopian case study. We had other topics planned, but would probably concentrate on the three listed as we did not have much time.

Ms MJ moved the group of about 10 kids from the Peace Room to a classroom because she said the kids were a bit agitated and had not been very cooperative earlier. She warned us that this was their group of the hardest kids, which made me a bit nervous. Once we got inside the room we sat around a circle and all introduced ourselves and what made/broke our peace.

While it was rather difficult at the beginning to get some of the kids’ attention, as the class progressed they started to become more interactive. There were some kids, Jordan especially, who did not want to participate but at the end of the class he came up to me and showed me where he was from on the map! Overall, I think we did a good job even though it was not an easy experience because we were all dedicated to getting something across.

Nadia: I was slightly nervous about our visit this Friday, as right away it seemed like the kids wouldn't be at their most attentive that afternoon--and on top of that, the disability issue might prove to be a tricky subject to present. However, with much appreciated help from the other volunteers there, I think we had an overall pretty successful lesson--we tried to keep it interactive with questions and pictures, which definitely helped. I think it may be a worthwhile idea, for future lessons, to try to incorporate some aspect of role-playing into the lesson, as this would get the students even more involved in their learning rather than feeling lectured at. Great job, TeachUNICEF!

Jordan: Our visit to the Peace Room Friday 4/1/11 was challenging but still worthwhile. The boys were rowdy and full of energy but we persevered and delivered our message. Even though they often acted as if they did not care about what we had to say, in actuality they found it quite interesting and were enthusiastic during the interactive portions. We did our best to stress treating children with disabilities with respect because they are children first. I think the boys were able to grasp this concept and I hope they will stay true to it. Overall, I think our visit was a success.

Lotus: During our visits to the Perry School, we had always worked with the youngest group of children, but this time we had an older group. We began with some info on the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and what kind of relief response there had been, using pictures to help the children visualize both the destruction and the relief efforts. We then moved on to giving brief descriptions of the different types of disabilities, then began discussion on the Ethiopian case study, going over the case study write-up with the children and discussing what was being done to prevent disabilities and help children with disabilities. Ms. MJ then brought over a map, and we pointed out where Japan and Ethiopia are, and then just to mix things up and have some fun, identified where some of us committee members are from, and asked the children to point out where they are from. We made much more use of visuals this time around – showing pictures and writing things on poster boards – which perhaps made it easier for the children to understand what we were trying to convey. Despite the initial difficulties we ran into while trying to teach, as the lesson progressed, the children grew more interested in what we had to say, and my team members kept up their energy and positivity. I truly appreciate their perseverance, the children’s engagement, the volunteers’ assistance, and Ms. MJ’s guidance and support during this visit. All of your cooperation combined is what makes the TeachUNICEF Committee’s work possible. Thank you!

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TeachUNICEF Visit on Mar. 14th

On March 14th, some TeachUNICEF members made the committee’s third visit of the semester. This time, we went to the Perry School, and since this group of children was different from the group at the Beacon House, we again gave an introductory lesson on disability awareness, focusing on the fact that children with disabilities are children first and should not be defined by their disabilities, the different types of disabilities, and the story of a girl, Nodira, who couldn’t go to school because she had spina bifida and couldn’t walk. Here is what the members have to say about their teaching experience this time around:

Ally: I really enjoyed my second trip to the Perry School. I feel like we really made progress even though it was only our second trip. I feel like I am getting to know the kids and understanding what kind of attention/teaching styles certain individuals need. I think our use of videos and then asking the kids about what they saw/heard was the most effective tool we used. I think we should keep trying out new methods while sticking to the ones we find work best. I would like to try and design a game that incorporates an aspect of the lesson so the kids can be more active while learning because they have so much energy!

Berk: I believe that there was a significant improvement during my second visit to the Perry School. The group was around the same age that we had during our first visit; it was not surprising to see that getting the initial attention tend to be tough. However, I believe we made a good beginning with exercise. Since we were four at the Perry School, it was useful to sort of divide the group among ourselves in order focus on different points and be able to draw everyone’s attention to the topic. I believe that although our main topic was disability, it was a very good idea to start with the earthquake incident in Japan. Kids were very interested about the topic and they did participate by telling their stories related to that. We were able to convey the main ideas on disability and I was confident that they all got something from it. As always, I guess the most important and necessary tool to maintain efficiency in these sessions is the amount of audiovisual and interactive material we use. Therefore it would be even better to elaborate and improve that area of our presentations. Discussion was very productive, and the developing leadership among the kinds themselves was one of the memorable moments for me. I think seeing them involving in discussion and leaving the Peace Room with something about disability in mind shows our success in taking our ideas into action.

Charlotte: I absolutely loved visiting the Perry School this past Monday! Because I said the children were amazing after my last visit, I can't even begin to think how to describe them now! When we first arrived, they were pretty frisky - as to be expected on a Monday. But within 15 minutes, the effect of our presence was obvious. Having seen us before, the children seemed to have found a sense of comfort and security in us, which was apparent in their behavior. Whereas last time they were easily distracted during our lesson, on Monday they listened whole-heartedly to us. Not only did they seem focused and concerned, but they also interacted with us. Our account of Japan's recent catastrophes resonated with them, as they were asked us several detailed questions. They had no trouble grasping the misfortunes of the opposite side of the world - a challenging feat for many children. Likewise, they seemed to grasp the concept of "children with disabilities" quite quickly. After this visit, I can say with 100% confidence that we have expanded their mindsets. I'm beginning to think they look forward to our visits just as much as we do. That being said, I cannot wait to go spend more time with them!

Lotus: I believe the four of us walked into Monday’s lesson mindful of what occurred during our last visit to the Peace Room and what worked and what didn’t. It was heartening to see how the children were so eager to participate in the discussions, and how some of them were starting to assume leadership roles. At the same time, I’m immensely proud of my team – they too showed commendable leadership skills as well as an incredible amount of patience during our lesson. The children took away from the lesson some knowledge of what disabilities can do to a person and the awareness that those with disabilities deserve as much respect as those without disabilities. We came away from the lesson with the knowledge that we had helped carry out TeachUNICEF’s mission.

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